degrees and research
Postdoctoral researcher at the Performing Arts program at UNIRIO, with the project Autobiographical theater in Brazil: radicalism and intergenerational knowledge transmission. Supervised by Dr. Maria Helena Werneck and funded by CAPES.
Doctorate degree in Performing Arts from UNIRIO (Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro). Supervised by Dr. Flora Süssekind. Dissertation: Deviations from myself: self-representation and contemporary theater.
Visiting student researcher at the Graduate Center at City University of New York (CUNY). Supervised by Dr. Ivone Margulies. FULBRIGHT Scholarship Program. Co-financed by CAPES and FULBRIGHT Commission in Brazil.
Master’s degree in Performing Arts from UNIRIO. Supervised by Dr. Flora Süssekind. Thesis: Scenes from the voice: sound on theater works by Aderbal Freire-Filho, Moacir Chaves and Jefferson Miranda.
Bachelor’s degree in Theater from the Undergraduate Theater Program at UNIRIO, with a specialization in Theater Theory.
Junior researcher at UNIRIO, with the project Literature vocalized onstage: the novel-on-stage and other poetics. Supervised by Dr. Maria Helena Werneck and funded by CNPq.
Professional training program for actors from Casa das Artes de Laranjeiras, Rio de Janeiro.
Full-time professor at the Theater Theory and Aesthetics Undergraduate Program at UNIRIO (Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro).
Collaborating professor at the Performing Arts Graduate Program at UNIRIO (Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro).
Substitute professor at the Theatre Undergraduate Program at the School of Fine Arts at UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro).
Professor at the Theater Theory and Aesthetics Undergraduate Program at UNIRIO, as a Postdoctoral researcher.
Teacher in practical workshops aimed at artist experimentation and training, with techniques developed in Teatro Número Três theater group.
Teaching internship at the Theater Theory and Aesthetics Undergraduate Program at UNIRIO, as a Doctoral student.